Fri, Jun 24
Doors 7pm - Mainstage

Friday June 24, 2022

Bright Eyes
with Special Guests
Hurray for the Riff Raff

Bright Eyes has a special show planned for you highlighting their latest album, Down in the Weeds, Where the World Once Was, as well as selections from their entire catalogue.

On their current tour, Bright Eyes (Conor Oberst, Mike Mogis, and Nathaniel Walcott) are performing as a 14-piece band including Down in the Weeds contributors Jon Theodore, Macy Taylor, and Miwi LaLupa, and an 8-piece chamber orchestra featuring arrangements written by Walcott specifically for this tour.

Presented by Live Nation & Casbah

Bright Eyes have partnered with PLUS1 so that $1 per ticket goes to supporting the Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project and their work to provide over 200,000 asylum seekers with legal and community support

Spotify Presale: 2/2 at 10am to 2/4 at 9am PST
Bright Eyes Presale: 2/2 at 10am to 2/4 at 9am PST
Live Nation Presale: 2/2 at 10am to 2/4 at 9am PST
General Onsale: 2/4 at 10am PST